About the Program
The Teachers’ Training Program is one of the first initiatives of The Climate Project Foundation. It is a program devised for the teachers aiming at a comprehensive approach to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to inculcate sustainability practices in their campuses.
The Teachers’ Training Program, part of the Green Campus Programme, conducts customizable week-long modules where all teachers participate in comprehensive online or offline training workshops. This customizable training covers various domains such as energy, waste, water, biodiversity, air, climate innovation, and community outreach. Additionally, we also equip the teachers after the training with online learning and educational resources through which they can take the message of climate change deeper into the classrooms. These resources are currently available in 04 languages- English, Hindi, Marathi and Odia.

Teachers trained


Lac Students reached
Through these training workshops, the teachers gain in-depth knowledge about the science, impacts and hands-on solutions of climate change. They develop a multifaceted approach to integrate sustainability into different subjects, establishing interconnectedness and inculcate a comprehensive understanding among students through our educational resources in vernacular languages.
We offer eight modules for institutes to choose from in the Teachers Training Program. The institutes can choose the modules for the workshops from the following options:
How the Program works
Steps to Sign Up for Teachers Training Program -
Schools may apply for the program by filling the registration form and suggest dates for the workshop. Both teaching and non-teaching staff are welcome to participate.
We will contact you to confirm the slot and clarify any doubts regarding the sessions.
Our certified trainers will take the training for the teachers in the online or offline format as suggested by the institution.
All the teachers will be provided e-certificates after the completion of their trainings.
Benefits and Features of the Trainings

Teachers' Training Program is free of charge and requires no fees from institutions.

Training will be conducted by our experts from various green sector domains.

Get freely downloadable educational resources in 04 Indian Languages

Get certified by a leading climate organization present in over 190 countries

Get a chance to earn a platinum rating for your school/college under our Green Campus Programme.
Workshop Glimpses